During the years of the Second World War the Corps was operational, nationwide, 24 hours a day 7 days a week. All Area and Deputy Area Commandant’s, employed by the Air Ministry, were full timers as were Centre Controllers and the Observer Group Officers who controlled the Posts.
Many of the Junior Officers and Observer’s, classed as “A” men, were also employed on a full time basis but this register only lists those who held the senior command positions.
In 1942 Air Commodore Ambler became Commandant R.O.C. and introduced significant changes to the structure and management of the Corps. This included the appointment of full time Group Commandants with the rank of Observer Commander. The Centre Controller’s title became Deputy Group Commandant with the rank of Obs/Lt First Class, and a rank braid of two thick and one thin ring. (1974 saw this ranks title changed to Ob/Lt/Commander.!) The Observer Group Officers rank became Observer Officer, with responsibility for a section of posts, and Duty Controllers were also given the rank of Observer Officer.
In 1947, when the Corps was reformed, changes to the command structure were introduced with Area and Group Commandants becoming part time appointments. Deputy Commandants, at both Area and Group, were still to be full time appointments along with one other Officer appointment at each H.Q.
Unfortunately we can find no documentary evidence for the period 1947 to 1950 of those who served as D.G.C. in 32 Group Carlisle. We have documents signed by an Obs/Lt. Garton, dated in 1950, so we have assumed (correctly we hope!) that he was appointed in 1947! We are fairly confident we have the sequence of Officers correctly listed from 1950 but actual dates of arrival and departure are informed guesses! Information relating to those appointed as Group Training Officers cannot be found at all until 1962!
As usual, we appeal for any help which can be given regarding names and dates.
Any information will be much appreciated.
YEAR | G.C. | D.G.C. | G.T.O./G.S.O. | COMMENTS |
1939 | Col. F.R.W. Graham | ---------- | ---------- | Centre Controller |
Brig. Pringle | ---------- | ---------- | Observer Group Officer | |
1943 | Obs/Cdr. Graham | ---------- | ---------- | Introduction of G.C.’s. |
1944 | Obs/Cdr. Rowlands | ---------- | ---------- | Change of G.C. |
1945 | Obs/Lt. Rowlands | ---------- | ---------- | Becomes caretaker G.C. |
1947 | Spare timers now | Obs/Lt. Garton | ---------- | R.O.C. reformed. |
1962 | Appointed G.C. | Obs/Lt. J.C. Musgrave | Obs/Off. Cooke | |
1964 | ---------- | Obs/Lt. W.T.P. Johnstone | “ | |
1965 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Off. A.J. Gore | |
1968 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Off. D. Dagnall | |
1969 | ---------- | Obs/Lt. P.R.A. Barrington | ---------- | |
1973 | ---------- | Obs/Lt. A. Hardie | Obs/Off A. Holland | |
1975 | ---------- | Obs/Lt/Cm. A. Hardie! | Obs.Lt. A. Holland! | G.T.O. becomes G.S.O |
1977 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Lt. G. Dorricott | |
1979 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Lt. A. Angove | |
1980 | ---------- | Obs/Lt/Cm D.Underwood | “ | |
1983 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Lt. P. Keane | |
1984 | ---------- | Obs/Lt/Cm. P. Blockley | “ | |
1985 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Lt. A Lawley | |
1987 | ---------- | W/Obs/Lt/Cm J. Grey. | “ | |
1988 | ---------- | “ | Obs/Lt. P. Frey | |
1991 | September | 30 th . | 1991 | |