22 Group Officers at Stand Down
Obs/Cdr K.W. Dodd
Obs/Off J. Anderson
W/Obs/Lt K. Little
W/Obs/Off M.A. Temple
Obs/Lt J.G. Bell
Obs/Off D. Cook
Obs/Off I.D. Miller
Obs/Off W.E. Nelson
Obs/Lt R.L. Pickering
W/Obs/Off F.J. Russell
Obs/Off D.H.C. Waugh
Obs/Off N.J.J. Waugh
22 Crew and Group Officers prior Stand Down listed alphabetically:
Please Note:
1. The following list of Officers is a good starting point for our History Project. This is not yet a complete list, and will continue to have details added as this project progresses.
2. The dates listed against the following Officers are not their only dates as Officers. The dates shown are confirmed dates from records held at the R.O.C. Museum. We are grateful for the information kindly provided by Neville Cunningford.
Obs/Off. K G Adams
Obs/Off. J Anderson (Serving @ Stand Down)
Obs/Off. H Archer (Appointed Jan. ‘81. Promoted to Western Area Jan. ’88)
Obs/Off. E A Barclay. Promoted to Obs/Lt. Retired ’80.
Obs/Off. R R Bargery [1968-1971]
Obs/Off. J G Bell. Promoted to Obs/Lt. Serving @ Stand down.
Obs/Off.(W) E G Boyes [1976-1985]
Obs/Off. W J Buchanan, went full time 1986
Obs/Off. P Cagieward [1971-1972]
Obs/Off. D Cook Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Off. K W Dodd Appointed G.C. Sep. ‘88 Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Off. D H Edgar Appointed G.C. Jan. ‘75 Retired Dec. ’87.
Obs/Off. F J Edgar Appointed G.C. Jan. ’88. Resigned Oct. ‘88
Obs/Off. J G Eves [1976]
Obs/Off. W (Bill) Farries Reverted to Obs. ‘85
Obs/Off. E Forster [1968]
Obs/Off. M B Fortune [1984-1987]
Obs/Off.(W) E J Freeman [1989]
Obs/Off. J H Glendinning [1968]
Obs/Off. C. Greenhow [Medal ‘53]
Obs/Off. W Haddon [1974-1981] Resigned ’81.
Obs/Off. W (Bill) Hay [1976-1982]
Obs/Off. D. Jardine-Patterson [Medal ‘61]
Obs/Off. S,M, Jopling [Medal ‘56]
Obs/Lt. H Little [1968-1979]
Obs/Off. I Little Appointed ’83, went full time ’86.
Obs/Off.(W) K Little Appointed ’75. Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Lt. K. Maynard. M.B.E. [Medal ’64 Appointed G.C. ’66?]
Obs/Lt. E Maxwell D.F.M. [1968-1970]
Obs/Off. I C Mayo [1987]
Obs/Off.I D Miller [1989]
Obs/Off. W E Nelson Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Off. A M Newark [1983-1984]
Obs/Off. R V Pett [1986-1989] ?
Obs/Off. R L Pickering Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Off. D Pringle [1968-1979]
Obs/Off. E Simpson [1982-1987]?
Obs/Off. R.G. Smith [Medal ‘66]
Obs/Off. K.S. Strong [Medal ‘53]
Obs/Lt. Muriel Stewart [1968-1974]
Obs/Off. A K B Tait
Obs/Lt. W. Thompson. M.C. [Medal ’54]
Obs/Off. H Trotter [1968-1972]
Obs/Lt. H M Ware [1968-1972]
Obs/Off. J T Waterson [Isle of Man: 1974-1982]
Obs/Off. D H C Waugh. Serving @ Stand Down.
Obs/Off. N J J Waugh Serving @ Stand Down.